Divorce Lawyers in Lebanon, PA 

Divorce Lawyers in Lebanon, PA , Buzgon Davis Law Offices

How Buzgon Davis Can Help

Divorce is a complex process where legal matters and personal feelings intersect. The experienced divorce attorneys at Buzgon Davis are here to support you through every stage and leverage decades of experience with Pennsylvania’s divorce laws to help you resolve your case. You can contact us online to connect with our team of reputable divorce lawyers in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

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Divorce Requirements in Pennsylvania

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania upholds specific requirements when you wish to pursue a divorce. In all cases, one or both of the married persons must have lived in Pennsylvania for the past six months.

Additional requirements vary with the type of divorce.

Fault Divorce

The court will approve your divorce when your spouse has inflicted certain injuries, including:

  • Desertion or absence without reasonable cause for one year or longer.
  • Adultery.
  • Cruel treatment that endangers your life or health.
  • Bigamous marriage.
  • Desertion as a result of imprisonment for a period of two years or longer.
  • Additional acts that create an intolerable situation.

Divorce Due to Institutionalization

The court will approve your divorce if your spouse has spent 18 months or longer in a mental institution due to a serious mental disorder or insanity. Additionally, there must be no reasonable expectation that the institutionalization period will end within 18 months after the divorce proceedings begin.

Divorce by Mutual Consent

In the case of a mutual consent divorce, you must submit an initial complaint and undergo a 90-day wait period. After the 90-day period, you can each provide a sworn statement confirming that the marriage is broken beyond repair.

The court will assume mutual consent if your spouse is convicted of a personal crime against you.

Divorce Due to Irretrievable Breakdown

The court will grant a divorce if you can prove that an irreparably damaging incident occurred that caused you and your spouse to live apart for a year or longer. If the defending spouse denies this claim, a hearing will be conducted to determine whether the marriage is irretrievably broken.

Assistance Navigating Complex Pennsylvania Divorce Law

Buzgon Davis will help you navigate the complexities of divorce law in Lebanon. We recognize the sensitivity of the situation and the need for astute legal representation, so our attorneys will treat you with respect and address your case with diligence as we guide you through all aspects of divorce law:

  • Legal counseling: Our lawyers can provide legal advice at any stage of divorce proceedings.
  • Divorce filing: We will help you understand which of Pennsylvania’s divorce parameters is relevant to your situation, complete the necessary documents and maintain the process’s momentum.
  • Property distribution: Our professionals will ensure the fair distribution of property, funds, investments and personal belongings.
  • Alimony: Our team will determine whether you are eligible to receive alimony or be required to pay, then negotiate on your behalf to secure a fair agreement.
  • Child custody: We will help you reach a physical custody agreement that supports your child’s well-being and allows your relationship to thrive.
  • Child support: We will facilitate a fair child support agreement that ensures reasonable contribution from both parties toward your children’s financial needs.
  • Abuse protection: Our legal team will secure a Protection from Abuse order (PFA) to protect you and your family from physical harm as soon as you feel it is necessary.

Contact Buzgon Davis

Buzgon Davis will provide guidance and services that smooth the divorce process. Working with our team will ensure a timely and fair resolution so that you can move forward, so contact us online to schedule a consultation.

Trust Matters

See What Our Clients Have to Say

Professional and capable, exceeded my expectations! Highly recommend.

Chris P.

I would just like to recommend Buzgon Davis Law Office…especially Michael Bechtold. He represented me during a divorce proceeding with the upmost professionalism and value.

Brad K.

If you need legal help, this is the place to go. No arrogance, they know you’re a person – not a number, not a file name.

Joe T.