Boundary Disputes

Boundary Disputes, Buzgon Davis Law Offices

How Buzgon Davis Can Help With Boundary Disputes

Most property owners believe they have a clear understanding of where the boundary with their neighbor’s property lies. However, situations can arise that create confusion and result in property line disputes.

In some circumstances, the owners can work together to resolve the issue. If the parties cannot agree on the boundary’s location, it may be necessary to consult a knowledgeable property line dispute lawyer.

If you are experiencing a boundary dispute in Lebanon, Lancaster, Berks, Dauphin or Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, the team at Buzgon Davis Law Offices can provide reliable legal guidance to help you navigate these often complicated circumstances.

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A Boundary Dispute Lawyer Can Assist in Multiple Areas

Your boundary lawyer can offer several types of assistance when attempting to resolve a property line dispute.

Comprehensive Property Records Review

A lawyer can help you gather deeds, surveys and other relevant property-related documents and analyze them to see if they contain vague, incorrect or outdated information.

Surveyor Consultation

Your attorney could collaborate with a professional surveyor to identify boundary line discrepancies to identify possible encroachment. This situation occurs when a structure or feature extends beyond the property line.

Adverse Possession Claim Resolution

In Pennsylvania, trespassers may be able to claim legal ownership of a portion of a property if they occupy it for a specified time frame and meet certain conditions. A property line dispute lawyer can investigate and challenge these claims to protect your rights.


If you are unable to resolve a boundary line dispute with your neighbor via collaboration or negotiation, pursuing mediation can help both parties achieve an acceptable outcome. Your attorney can represent you during this process, which entails presenting your case to a neutral third party to reach an agreement.


If other methods fail to resolve boundary disputes, it may become necessary to litigate. Your boundary lawyer can file a lawsuit against the neighboring property owner on your behalf. The attorney will present your case in court, and your neighbor will do the same. A judge will then render a decision to determine the legal property boundaries.

Why Trust Us?

At Buzgon Davis Law Offices, we have extensive experience representing Pennsylvanians like you in boundary disputes and other complex property and real estate law matters. We are proud of our deep local history and close connection within every community we serve. You will have access to a top legal team operating on a cost-effective basis.

As a valued Buzgon Davis client, you will receive the personalized attention you deserve. One attorney will supervise your case and consult with the rest of our team to ensure thorough legal representation.

Contact Us for a Consultation Today

Do you have questions about the Pennsylvania boundary laws or need help resolving a property line dispute with your neighbor? The professional legal team at Buzgon Davis Law Offices is ready to assist you.

Take the next step and return the online form, or call us at 717-467-4994 to schedule an initial consultation today.

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Professional and capable, exceeded my expectations! Highly recommend.

Chris P.

I would just like to recommend Buzgon Davis Law Office…especially Michael Bechtold. He represented me during a divorce proceeding with the upmost professionalism and value.

Brad K.

If you need legal help, this is the place to go. No arrogance, they know you’re a person – not a number, not a file name.

Joe T.

*The information is for informational purposes only and is NOT to be construed as legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship. If you have any questions specific to your case, you should consult an attorney as each individual’s case and the law applicable thereto varies on a case-by-case basis.

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