Every school at any educational level has a wide range of responsibilities to fulfill while providing meaningful education and working with diverse student, staff and board populations. At Buzgon Davis Law Offices, we have a team of lawyers for school issues ranging from the routine to the complex. Our education attorneys in Lebanon County have a long-standing history of providing skilled legal advocacy that respects your institution’s makeup, budget and time.
Contact UsBuzgon Davis has extensive experience serving the legal needs of districts, staff and students.
The work as a solicitor covers a broad spectrum of school law with such matters as:
Buzgon Davis has also represented numerous school principals and other administrators through its appointment as Regional Counsel for the 3,800 members of the Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals. In the realm of higher education, lawyers from the firm have served as Regional Counsel for the American Association of University Professors handling tenure disputes, promotion and termination actions, etc on behalf of university professors.
We have an outstanding team of student rights lawyers in Palmyra representing Lebanon county. On behalf of public school students and their parents, Buzgon Davis has taken a leading role in enforcing the rights of students in disciplinary and expulsion hearings, free speech and religious freedom issues, as well as prosecuting racial, sexual, disability and national origin discrimination claims.
Buzgon Davis also has a skilled team of municipal law attorneys who know the Lebanon County area and are ready to help with local government issues like funding, staffing, codes review and more.
For more information, request your consultation online or call our offices at 717-467-4994 to get started.
Contact Buzgon Davis Law Offices to schedule a consultation by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at (717) 274-1421