Our Lebanon County Estate Planning attorneys can make sure that you understand the significance of these documents and assist in crafting an estate plan that is customized for you and your family.
During a person’s lifetime, carefully prepared Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and Living Wills ensure that your wishes are carried out and that your family’s interests are protected. Our Attorneys can help you design an estate plan that provides for and protect your loved ones and secures your assets.
Contact Us TodayA Last Will and Testament ensures that your estate is distributed consistent with your wishes and designates an Executor to coordinate compliance that state laws and procedures. A Will can also provide for assets to be held in Trust for minors and other individuals. If you do not have a Last Will and Testament, your estate will be controlled by the state.
A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document allowing another trusted individual to act on your behalf in making financial decisions and other important decisions.
Trusts are essential documents for keeping a beneficiary's assets intact and directing when and how to distribute them. Creating one can be complex depending on your assets and goals. Partnering with a skilled wills and trusts lawyer near you, like Buzgon Davis, ensures you have the legal advice you need for your circumstances.
A Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney ensure that your trusted loved ones will be able to coordinate your care if you are not able to do so. It will also set forth your end of life wishes. This can provide great comfort to your family in difficult times and ensure that your care providers are informed about your goals and wishes.
In addition to stating your wishes, estate planning documents simplify matters for your loved ones. Our estate planning lawyers in Lebanon can assist you in understanding the significance of these documents and create an estate plan specifically for you and your family. We can also be a resource to your family when the time comes to implement your documents.
For more information, contact Edward J. Coyle or Jason J. Schibinger. You can also call our offices at 717-274-1421 to schedule your appointment or reach out via our contact form.
Contact Buzgon Davis Law Offices to schedule a consultation by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at (717) 274-1421